How to minimize the risk of Airbnb noise complaints

Learn how to minimize Airbnb noise complaints, prevent issues and maintain a peaceful environment effortlessly with best practices and smart technology.
Alice Dodd
Vacation Rentals
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July 16, 2024
min read
How to minimize the risk of Airbnb noise complaints

We've all dealt with noisy neighbors at some point, but what do you do when the noise is coming from your vacation rental? As a host or property manager, it's your responsibility to address the issue before it spirals out of control—or better yet, prevent it entirely.

For Airbnb hosts, noise complaints are more than just a headache; they can tarnish your reputation.  When neighbors are disturbed by loud guests or excessive noise from your property, they might confront your guests directly,  involve local authorities, or raise complaints to Airbnb’s Neighborhood Support Team, wreaking havoc on your reputation and causing harm to your business. 

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to manage and prevent the situation from escalating. In this blog, we’ll explore managing noise complaints, how to minimize their risk, and the privacy-safe technology that’s enabling Airbnb managers and owners to manage their rentals stress-free. 

Airbnb’s recommendations to avoid neighbor complaints 

Airbnb noise complaints can lead to serious problems you’ll want to avoid. So, what does Airbnb say about this, and how should you manage them for the best outcome?

Airbnb emphasizes the importance of good communication between hosts and neighbors throughout the hosting process. Regular, direct communication can resolve issues and reduce the risk of hostility or resentment in the community.

Setting clear house rules for your guests is the all-important first step. While neighbors might raise complaints for various reasons, such as smoking fumes, parking in their spaces, or improperly disposed of waste, it’s noise complaints that are most likely to cause issues.

Here are some key actions to take before your guests even enter the property:

  1. Select ‘No’ for Parties and Events under your House Rules.
  2. Prohibit parties and events in your listing description.
  3. Set a maximum number of permitted guests.
  4. Ensure guests confirm they have read and agreed to the house rules before the reservation, and display these rules at your property along with any building rules and parking locations.
  5. Inform neighbors when to expect guests to arrive and depart.

Other best practices to avoid noise complaints 

So what else could you bring into the mix to help you reduce potential noise complaints, that go beyond Airbnb’s suggestions? 

We’ve outlined some of the key, topline actions to consider below. Take a read through and then, in the next section, we’ll delve deeper into how you could take these forward. 

  • Implement guest screening: Guest screening can highlight early warning signs that your potential guests aren’t who you’d prefer to stay in your property.
  • Have a quick-response process in place: Moving fast to resolve loud noise issues is a good idea to reduce the risk of any Airbnb noise complaints. Minut provides real-time alerts straight to your device, and you can use our Call Assist feature to resolve any noise events without getting involved yourself.
  • Provide a clear and simple check-in/check-out process:  Use check-in to clearly communicate house rules, particularly your expectations regarding noise levels.
  • Carefully manage relationships with your local community: Build strong bonds with your neighbors and gain a clear understanding of their priorities. Meeting their needs and expectations can foster goodwill and significantly reduce the risk of resentment.

How to implement effective measures to stop Airbnb noise complaints

To help you take some clear and actionable steps to reduce Airbnb noise complaints, we’ll guide you through how to follow best practices in this section. 

With these steps, you should find it much easier to prevent issues from arising and be confident to handle any that do. 

1. Pre-stay communication 

Preventing unruly guests and loud noise starts by setting expectations at the outset. You can do this by adding rules to your Airbnb listing page, in your agreements, in your digital guidebook, and in the property itself.  You should also consider displaying laminated copies of the house rules in communal or high-visibility areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and at the property entrance. 

If you’d rather outsource this, take advantage of Minut’s Guest Connect feature, which allows Airbnb hosts to schedule and manage communication with guests via automated communication. If things get too loud or there’s a breach of house rules, Minut will send automated alerts and respond to any situation on your behalf, 24/7.

2. Noise monitoring technology 

Minut is the #1 noise-monitoring solution for STR property owners, and is fully compliant with Airbnb’s legal requirements. It follows all privacy codes and local laws, letting you monitor noise levels day and night, with customizable thresholds for different times.

Even without local noise regulations, Minut helps you stay on the good side of your neighbors and prevent issues. By setting noise alerts and clarifying expectations for guests, indoor and outdoor  monitoring lets you take a proactive step to prevent rising noise levels and the risk of any Airbnb noise complaints. 

3. Automate guest communication with triggered messaging

Managing noise complaints is challenging and incredibly time-consuming. Automated communication eases this burden by ensuring timely and effective responses to potential issues, no matter where you are or what time of day it is. 

With Minut, you can effortlessly handle noise complaints. Set your own parameters, and Minut will trigger messages via SMS or messenger to alert guests about rising noise levels and remind them to keep it down.

Using automated communications ensures guests are aware of noise boundaries and helps maintain a peaceful environment for your neighbors and wider community. Having a reliable system in place to handly issues quickly also takes the pressure of you, and helps ensure you have the smoothest hosting experience possible. 

💡Pro tip: If your initial message alerts aren’t getting you the responses you need, then consider the option of third-party guest management services. 

Minut has two extra professional management features: Call Assist and Guard Assist. Each can help you end unauthorized parties or stop rising noise levels in their tracks. Through Call Assist, our team can expertly negotiate lowering noise levels, while Guard Assist takes it a step further by sending trained professionals to end unauthorized parties before they get out of hand. 

4. Integrate an automated guest screening tool with your PMS 

Guest screening software is another vital tool for Airbnb hosts—especially if you’re looking to minimize the risk of Airbnb noise complaints and disturbances.

If you’re unsure where to start, screening software like Autohost and Superhog, can both help you stay on top of managing guests.

Both types of screening software will review core identification elements, including ID verifications, background checks, credit checks, and security deposits. If the checks show any ominous or unusual activities, these screening tools will raise red flags and help you assess the risks involved in inviting the guests into your property.  

5. Be open and approachable with neighbors 

Good old-fashioned communication goes a long way in preventing noise complaints. Building a relationship with your neighbors can make a significant difference. You could schedule regular check-ins, either by visiting them or inviting them over to discuss upcoming activities. A small gift, like chocolates or biscuits, also helps to show you care and fosters goodwill.

When you do talk to your neighbors, listen to their needs while setting clear boundaries. Make sure they know how and when to contact you, emphasizing the importance of reaching out to you first before involving authorities or local police. This proactive approach will help manage noise issues and maintain positive relationships. 

Minut helps you take positive action to minimize Airbnb noise complaints

No Airbnb host wants to deal with noise complaints—they can harm your business and relationships with neighbors. Clear house rules and smart technology are essential to preventing issues and ensuring you can smoothly run your Airbnb business.

Over 50,000 property managers and hosts around the world use Minut to prevent unauthorized parties and enforce noise rules. Minut helps Airbnb hosts maintain a peaceful environment, making your experience smoother, more enjoyable, and worry-free. Book a demo to learn more about how we could help you protect your property and your community relations.