Why hosts and property managers love Minut

Don’t just take our word for it - hear directly from hosts and property managers on how Minut helps them host happy.

Kasa case study

Yvette Romero, Director of Strategic Product Initiatives at Kasa, explains how partnering with Minut gave Kasa the insight needed to live up to their mission and grow trust with property partners and communities.
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Étude de cas Kasa

Yvette Romero, directrice des initiatives stratégiques de produits chez Kasa, explique comment le partenariat avec Minut a donné à Kasa les informations nécessaires pour être à la hauteur de sa mission et renforcer la confiance avec les partenaires immobiliers et les communautés.
Lire l'étude de cas

Estudio de caso Kasa

Yvette Romero, Directora de Iniciativas Estratégicas de Productos en Kasa, explica cómo asociarse con Minut le dio a Kasa la información necesaria para cumplir con su misión y aumentar la confianza con los socios inmobiliarios y las comunidades.
Leer caso de estudio


Powering hospitality leaders

Please see our partnerships or integrations page for more information.
AirbnbSykes CottagesBob w.JurnyBarsala
“Every responsible host needs Minut in their property”
John Hildebrand
Airbnb Superhost Ambassador & Hilde Homes Founder
“Minut gives our remote team an important line of sight into what’s happening inside a unit without requiring on-site interaction or intervention."
Drew Millum
"We’ve de-escalated most issues before they become a problem. Our students respond well to a quick reminder and appreciate that we’re not intervening—giving us less work and them more autonomy."
Brendan McParland
Brenland Properties