How Beckon Homes reduces complaints and maintains community relationships with Minut


of resolutions solved after one notification


relationships with neighbors


in dispute resolution

Executive summary

Beckon Homes was looking for a solution to manage noise levels in its vacation rental properties. The team knew it needed to balance guest enjoyment with neighborly respect and regulatory compliance. Opting for Minut's AI-powered sensors and automated notifications, the company ensured real-time alerts to guests when noise levels exceeded limits. This proactive approach allowed for the prompt resolution of noise issues, which has helped foster community relations and streamlined operational efficiency for the Beckon Homes team.

About Beckon Homes

Founded in 2015 by Isabeau Miller and Shaun Balin, Beckon Homes is an award-winning rental management company specializing in Airbnb, short-term, corporate, and vacation rentals. The pair lead a dedicated team across markets like Nashville and California, using leading industry technology like Minut to ensure smooth operations nationwide.


Staying compliant with automated noise monitoring

The challenge

Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, Beckon Homes needed to comply with strict local regulations to avoid penalties. Ensuring their properties didn't contribute to noise pollution was crucial to staying compliant and maintaining good relations with neighbors. However, other monitoring solutions still required manual intervention, which was impractical for Shaun's team.

“Minut enables us to respect our neighbors, comply with local regulations, and it’s improved our operational efficiency. The majority of noise issues are resolved with the first notification, so investing in more devices has been a no-brainer as we expand our business."

Shaun Balin
COO of Beckon Homes

The solution

Minut's noise monitor is designed to automatically notify guests as soon as noise levels become excessive. This proactive approach not only eliminates the need for Shaun to visit the property, but also often results in guests adjusting their behavior without further escalation. Shaun shared how since investing in Minut, over 90% of noise issues are now resolved with the initial notification, this has freed the team up to focus on other business areas while ensuring Beckon Homes stays regulation-compliant.

The results


of resolutions solved after one notification


in operational efficiency


Reducing complaints and maintaining community relationships

The challenge

Shaun explained how despite being a family-oriented home with a heated pool and beautiful land, one of their properties often attracted party groups, leading to disturbances for the neighboring families. This situation was particularly problematic because the neighbors threatened to involve the town authorities and police. Shaun and the team were keen to avoid any altercations and make changes to better reflect Beckon Homes’ value around peaceful, family-friendly renting

“I’m looking forward to another busy season with Minut. The devices have been so effective that we’ve only needed to go out to the property once. It’s improved our community relationships, and helped our overheads as we don’t need to worry about 24/7 manual monitoring.”

Shaun Balin
COO of Beckon Homes

The solution

The team installed three Minut sensors in the kitchen, game room, and by the pool, leading to an immediate drop in noise complaints. The real-time monitoring allowed proactive management, and only one party needed intervention during the busy season—all other potential issues were resolved via the Minut system.

The results


in noise complaints


manual interventions


relationships with neighbors


Using reports & integrations to effectively handle guest disputes

The challenge

Occasionally, excessive noise and smoking inside the house have led to asking guests to leave early, or an escalated dispute with the booking site. While it's rare, in instances where it happened, Beckon Homes couldn’t provide evidence of the events, and these disputes would end up being one person’s word against another.

“Minut has been invaluable for backing up our claims and making it easier to handle disputes. It’s directly impacted our bottomline and protect our revenue. ”

Shaun Balin
COO of Beckon Homes

The solution

Minut’s sensors provided concrete evidence of cigarette smoking and continuous loud noise, enabling the Beckon Homes team to present clear data and information when dealing with disputes on booking platforms. The team has also integrated Minut with Guesty’s damage protection program, which further streamlines the process of managing property damage claims in the rare events that they happen

The results


in dispute resolution

Beckon Homes's future plans

Beckon Homes is continuing to strategically expand into new markets. The team relyies on tools like Minut, Guesty, and security cameras to safeguard properties and communities during initial market entries. The team has also recently announced the launch of Beckon Residential, and is keen to explore more of Minut’s Cigarette Smoke Detector in both vacation rental and personal home ventures.