How Lodgeur saved up to $1,500 per mold-related incident with temperature and humidity detection




between $500 and $1,500 per mold-related issue


potential guests


evidence against false claims

Resumen ejecutivo

Rental agency Lodgeur wanted a comprehensive, easy-to-set-up solution to keep its properties safe and in good shape, protecting them from indoor climate-related damage while boosting savings. The team was also looking for a platform to help it screen guests and protect its reputation against false disturbance claims. Lodgeur installed Minut to minimize property damage, saving up to $1,500 per mold-related incident. It advertised Minut’s presence on its listings to deter potentially problematic guests from booking and used the device’s log of events to obtain evidence to challenge unfounded complaints.


About Lodgeur

Texas-based Lodgeur offers furnished short- and mid-term rental apartments. The company provides flexible, ready-to-move-in units across Houston for digital nomads and traveling professionals looking for stylish and professionally managed properties without long-term commitment.


Keeping properties safe with easy-to-set-up monitoring

El desafío

Lodgeur’s top priority was ensuring its apartments were safe and in good condition. The team was already using various tech tools as part of its Responsible Hospitality program to boost safety. Still, it wanted to complement them with a comprehensive monitoring solution to track potential risks such as excessive noise, parties, and cigarette smoke. Lodgeur’s goal was to keep operations running as efficiently as possible, so an easy and quick-to-install solution was needed to help maximize resources.


“Every responsible host should use Minut to protect their properties and be good neighbors.”

The Lodgeur Team

La solución

Lodgeur installed Minut across 36 properties in just one afternoon, showcasing the platform and device’s ease of use and set-up. Once installed, the device enabled the team to monitor excessive noise, occupancy rates, and cigarette smoke. The real-time alerts and effective AI-powered sensors helped the team minimize damage caused by parties and smoking, ensuring good relationships with the neighbors.

Los resultados




time efficiencies


Saving up to $1,500 per mold-related issue

El desafío

Monitoring indoor climate was not just vital for Lodgeur to offer the best guest experience––it was also an essential part of keeping its rentals safe and its operations cost-efficient. The team needed a platform that alerted them quickly to potential issues before they escalated, helping them ensure their properties were in top shape while minimizing additional maintenance expenses.


“Our favorite Minut feature is that it has so many features. It does noise detection, but it can also send you an alert if there’s an alarm sounding inside the property. It detects cigarette smoke and the temperature and humidity levels. For us in Texas, that’s super important because if the AC malfunctions, it can lead to a mold risk that can be expensive to fix, so with Minut, we are protected.”

Sébastien Long
Lodgeur’s Founder and CEO

La solución

Lodgeur used Minut to track temperature and humidity levels in its rentals. The device’s real-time alerts enabled Lodgeur to fix any emergent issues before they became bigger and costlier problems. Minut has been instrumental in helping the team keep maintenance costs under control, with the company estimating it saves between $500 and $1,500 per mold-related issue.

Los resultados


between $500 and $1,500 per mold-related issue


Optimizing guest screening to maintain a safe environment

El desafío

Lodgeur knew that to avoid everything from excessive noise to cigarette smoke damage to its properties and boost safety, it needed to avoid partying guests. The team already used screening tools such as background and ID checks but was looking for a strategy to dissuade potentially problematic groups from booking in the first place.


“It’s exciting to see the evolution of Minut’s capabilities—we can’t wait to see what’s next!”

The Lodgeur Team

La solución

Lodgeur advertised Minut's presence on its listings to give unruly guests a clear signal that if they were after a place for activities such as partying, its properties were not for them. This strategy, part of the company’s Responsible Hospitality plan, meant that Lodgeur experienced some last-minute cancellations, but the team considered them ‘a blessing in disguise’. Minut was also a key tool for Lodgeur to give hosts extra assurances that their properties were being taken care of carefully.

Los resultados


potential guests


bad actors from booking


its portfolio


Fighting false claims with hard evidence

El desafío

With properties in highly populated areas, Lodgeur knew that false, incorrect, or unfounded claims from neighbors were, unfortunately, not unusual. The team wanted to have hard evidence when confronted with these complaints to prove that their properties had not been the source of a disturbance.


“Minut is a key part of our risk management framework, and we would recommend it to other hosts who want to be great neighbors and take care of the properties they are managing."

Sébastien Long
Lodgeur’s Founder and CEO

La solución

Minut’s events log enabled Lodgeur to quickly review past noise and cigarette smoke occurrences and check whether its guests had been responsible for the issues. This evidence was precisely what the team was looking for to defend itself from false or baseless claims.

Los resultados


evidence against false claims

Lodgeur's future plans

Lodgeur plans to continue installing Minut in its properties as it broadens its portfolio and looks forward to trying out new Minut features as they are released.