Enjoy a serene month of December with Minut and KeyNest: a guide for property managers and hosts

Read on to learn more about Minut's collaboration with leading smart key exchange service KeyNest and unlock an exclusive holiday offer.
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December 5, 2023
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Enjoy a serene month of December with Minut and KeyNest: a guide for property managers and hosts

With the holiday season approaching, Minut understands the unique challenges faced by property managers and Airbnb hosts. Handling the holiday surge in bookings while ensuring your properties remain safe and party-free can seem like a daunting task. However, we're excited to share some news that will help you go through the holiday season stress-free.

Introducing a powerful collaboration: Minut teams up with KeyNest

This year, Minut is delighted to announce a strategic partnership with KeyNest, a leading smart key exchange service for hospitality professionals. Together, we've tailored an exclusive offer for hosts like you, aiming to make your December more enjoyable and manageable.

Wondering how to go through the holiday season stress-free? The answer is simple: by remotely managing your Airbnb or vacation rental property’s holiday rush season and gaining a comprehensive overview of your guests and property—without intruding on guest privacy with cameras or recording devices.

A unique combination of services for hassle-free hosting

Imagine effortlessly combining Minut's innovative noise monitoring technology with KeyNest's reliable key exchange services. This dynamic pairing will enable you to seamlessly handle guest arrivals, manage check-out times, and even monitor noise levels and cigarette smoke—all conveniently through your smartphone.

Minut's comprehensive solution goes beyond noise monitoring. It tracks cigarette smoke, over-occupancy, temperature, and motion in properties, enabling remote management of your operations. Whether you're an experienced host or just starting out, this collaboration aims to elevate your hosting experience during the bustling holiday season and beyond.

Exclusive holiday offer: host with a tranquil mind throughout the busiest season of the year

Our friends at KeyNest are extending an exclusive deal: Minut customers will get 50% off their first month of subscription with KeyNest as well as unlimited key movements for a month. By redeeming this offer, you’ll have access to one of KeyNest’s 5000 Welcome Centres to check in your guests remotely or pass keys to cleaners and contractors. By leveraging the strengths of our two trusted services, you can make this holiday season your most relaxing one yet.

To discover more about this festive collaboration and claim the exclusive deal, visit KeyNest’s website and use the following promo code: MINUTKEYNEST50.*

Here's to a joyful and stress-free holiday season for you and your guests!

*Valid only for new users of KeyNest. Can be redeemed once. Valind only for monthly plan. Expires March 1st, 2024.