How Huswell minimized unauthorized parties, enforced no-smoking policies, and grew its business with Minut


‘zero parties’ goal


no-smoking policy


trust from homeowners

Executive summary

With a steadily growing portfolio, property management company HUSWELL wanted to provide homeowners with extra security and peace of mind. The company installed Minut in its properties to reduce unauthorized parties, enforce no-smoking policies, and foster trust among owners to help expand its portfolio.


Founded in 2019, Belgium-based HUSWELL supports owners of vacation rentals, second homes, and hotels with the day-to-day management and optimization of their properties. With over 700 listings in its home country, the company has expanded into Spain, Scotland, and France. HUSWELL reduces the workload for owners while maximizing their revenue and helping bridge the gap between hosts and guests.


Minimizing the occurrence of unauthorized parties

The challenge

One of the main issues HUSWELL encountered was unauthorized parties. A frequent source of unwanted noise and disturbances, parties can result in complaints from neighbors, hurt the relationship with the broader community, and lead to property damage. To keep homeowners happy and the business growing, the HUSWELL team knew they needed a solution to prevent large gatherings and help attract guests happy to follow property rules.

“We have a policy to install Minut devices in every single listing we manage.”

Jean-Paul Godfroy

The solution

HUSWELL installed Minut in its properties to monitor noise levels. By alerting property managers to excessive noise in real time, Minut helped stop disturbances before they escalated into parties. As a further preventative measure, HUSWELL now also mentions the use of Minut on its listings, communicating early on that parties and large gatherings are not an option. This strategy enabled the company to screen potential guests and deter those searching for a party location, ensuring more problem-free stays. HUSWELL’s decision to install Minut sensors across its portfolio had an immediate positive effect, and the company successfully achieved its goal of ‘zero parties in 2023’.

The results


‘zero parties’ goal


noise levels


guest screening


Enforcing no-smoking policies and providing proof to back claims

The challenge

HUSWELL was having trouble detecting cigarette smoking in their properties. Smoking negatively impacted HUSWELL’s business due to the increased cleaning costs associated with cigarette smoke damage. Even when the smoking damages had been cleared up, the team found it difficult to prove that a guest had smoked, which often led to disputes and lost fines.

“I would recommend Minut to every other property manager worldwide.”

Jean-Paul Godfroy

The solution

Minut’s AI-powered cigarette smoke detection feature allowed the HUSWELL team to deal with smoking proactively and helped avoid damage to the property. By generating a log of cigarette smoke events, Minut not only enabled HUSWELL to enforce its no-smoking policy effectively but also provided proof that guests violated it. These reports gave HUSWELL the necessary evidence to charge for additional cleaning fees, withdraw part of their deposits, and ensure they were not allowed back.

The results


no-smoking policy


smoking evidence


guest screening


Fostering trust among homeowners to continue growing the HUSWELL portfolio

The challenge

HUSWELL recognized that expanding its business required growing its property portfolio, which depended on building trust with homeowners. Concerns about compliance with house rules were deterring owners from renting out their properties. The HUSWELL team needed the right tools to provide homeowners with the peace of mind to confidently hand over their keys.

“Mentioning the Minut sensor during meetings with owners sparks a lot of trust and confidence in working with HUSWELL.”

Tom Vanhecke
Marketing Manager at HUSWELL

The solution

HUSWELL's choice to install Minut in its properties and highlight these devices in their listings reassured homeowners, signaling they were in good hands and allowing them to relax. With noise, occupancy, cigarette smoke, and indoor climate monitoring, Minut provided the solution HUSWELL needed to instill trust in property owners. This increased trust led to rapid growth for HUSWELL, which has expanded its portfolio to over 700 properties since first implementing Minut.

The results


trust from homeowners


portfolio to 700+ properties

HUSWELL's future plans

HUSWELL will continue using Minut as one of the main solutions to manage its property portfolio effectively. The company plans to explore Minut’s temperature and humidity integrations to help homeowners cut energy bills and give them more confidence when renting out their properties.